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Showing posts from March, 2016

Dressing Room Outfit Ideas for Easter!

So Easter is tomorrow and I didn't have an Easter dress yet so yesterday my dad and I were sitting on the couch watching TV and an Old Navy commercial came on for their huge dress sale so we went. Oh my goodness is that store overwhelming! That was only my second time to go to one and there was tons of people and tons of clothes. Their commercial wasn't lying though, they were having a huge sale on practically the whole store. I didn't plan on buying anything but one Easter dress and maybe a sweater to go over the top so I took pictures of the dresses I tried on to give you some Easter outfit ideas and ended up getting a lot of the things I tried on which I will show you in a sperate post.

Another Day at the Lake!

So it's spring break and I went to the lake again only this time I brought the big camera lens and my dogs and it was a very enjoyable day!


So a few months ago, my little sister and I got bunnies and they are the sweetest little animals! I thought you would enjoy getting to know these sweet little girls too!

Lake Days!

A few weekends ago, my dad, grandma, and I thought we would go to the lake near our houses for me to do some photography. This was my first time in about a year that I have gone out and taken pictures on a nice camera like the one I own now. It was actually a pretty successful day and by the end I had jogged my memory and remembered how to work a camera. I thought it would be fun to share some of the pictures I took with you guys.