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Showing posts from April, 2017

TJ Maxx Dressing Room Try On!

I did some more shopping but honestly are you surprised? My Step mom, MB and I went to TJ Maxx in search of some Lilly Pulitzer at a good price and I hit the jackpot! And I took pictures in the dressing room to do another try on! 

Blogger Bloopers

Happy Wednesday! In every photo shoot for every good picture there are five awful pictures and today I am sharing the awful ones! Enjoy!

My Life Vol. 1

Outfit of the Day: Striped Dress

I bought this dress at Old Navy last week and shared it in my Spring Dressing Room Try On  and I love it! I wanted to share how I styled it this week. 

Outfits of the Week

Today I am doing an Outfits of the Week and will be talking about all of the outfits I wore this week! 

A Day at Crocodile Encounters

In my  Spring Break Recap post  I mentioned going to a petting zoo and that I wanted to do a post about the adventure and that's what I am sharing with you today! The petting zoo was actually an alligator petting zoo that had other animals as well. The place was called Crocodile Encounters and it's near Houston. I must say that it was a bit sketchy (it was in some one's backyard!!) and I was a little bit nervous going in but it was a ton of fun! When you get there you enter through the gift shop where you can buy crocodile food that you can throw to them and lettuce you can feed to all of the other animals so we bought some to feed the animals. We didn't spend but a couple of hours there because this pale girl was quickly burning and I didn't want to be the color of a lobster the next day. And don't forget you can click on the pictures to view them larger!

Spring Dressing Room Try On!

Two days before Easter last year I did a post about last minute dresses for Easter and everyone seemed to love it. This year I went last minute dress shopping for Easter again but it was later in the day so I didn't get this post up in time so I thought I would make it a spring dress try on. So how this works is that all of these pictures were taken in the dressing room of Old Navy and I talk about what I liked and disliked about each dress. I will also include a link so you can buy the dresses off of their website. Just to let you know I didn't buy all of these just tried them on and bough the ones I really loved.

Hoppy Easter!

I know this is a day late but I had trouble with my computer yesterday. I just wanted to tell everyone happy Easter and share some pictures from my Easter photo shoot! If you follow my Instagram you have seen some of these on my feed in the past few weeks. My family and I went down to the lake by my house and took some Easter pictures with my bunny, Mr. Beasley! The shirt I am wear is the Jadelynn Brooke Sun's Out Buns Out shirt and you can get it and any other shirt off their website for 15% off using my code SLMHS17. And if you want to see any of these pictures larger, you can click on the picture.