This post was supposed to be "Tips for Finishing the Semester Strong" but here we are, hit by a global pandemic that has cancelled most in-person classes and closed a lot of offices/businesses forcing a good portion of us to work from home. At first I was very excited, I have wanted to do online school for so long. As much as I enjoy being in class I think it would benefit me more because of my health and my increasing inability to make it to class. With all that aside, I now have no choice but to do classwork from my laptop and I have a feeling you're experiencing the same. When the emails came out last Wednesday that the universities would be extending spring break and making us work remotely I instantly got texts from a few of my friends about how frustrated they were about this. I have friends who hate technology (I basically work as a personal IT guy for most of my friends) and friends who live with multiple siblings (like I do!) who also had their school cancelle